E-Services - ePortal
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89 500 5
Application for an entry into the register of employers
89 109 14
Application for setting up of pension payment by bank transfer to an account in the Czech Republic - account owner
Application of a person living outside the territory of the Czech Republic for the payment of a Czech pension by remittance to an account
89 501 4
Deregistration from the register of employers
Information about insurance relations of employed person
Information about paid premiums on sickness insurance of a self-employed person
Information on paid advances for a self-employed person’s pension insurance
List of employees participating in insurance
89 112 5
Notification of a change of address or Forename and Family name
Notification of authorization for CSSA services and forms (for an agent)
Notification of commencement (termination) of employment 2022
Online application for determination of legislation applicable for a self-employed person
Online application for determination of legislation applicable for an employee (to be filled by an employee)
Online application for determination of legislation applicable for an employee (to be filled by an employer)
Online application for Informative personal record of pension insurance
Online pension application
Overview of the informative personal record of pension insurance
Power of attorney for CSSA services and forms
Preview of pension insurance records since 2004
Record of pension insurance periods
89 110 14
Request for cancellation of pension payment by bank transfer
Request for determination of legislation applicable for a self-employed person (form)
Request for determination of legislation applicable for an employed person, who is simultaneously self-employed (form)
Request for determination of legislation applicable for an employee (form)
Request for Informative personal record of pension insurance (form)

Introduction of new and innovation of existing digital services of the CSSA - further development of the ePortal of the CSSA - IKR - JRPSV and its connection of the digital service to the PO, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_036/0007767, CZ.31.1.01/MV/23_43/0000043
Implementation of the SDG – Implementation in CSSA, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_027/0007717, CZ.31.1.01/MV/22_18/0000018
Introduction of new and innovative digital services of the CSSA – Further development of e-filing of the CSSA and connection to digital services at PO, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_036/0007759, CZ.31.1.01/MV/22_24/0000024
These projects are co-financed by the European Union's Next generationEU instrument through the National Recovery Plan