Online pension application - ePortal
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Online pension application
Why should you use our CSSA ePortal online service?
- The application allows you to submit an application for an old-age, disability, or survivor's pension.
- After opening the application, your data will be pre-filled from the CSSA records.
- The online pension application offers clear help to facilitate filling in the application.
- Using the online pension application service is safe thanks to logging in via Citizen Identity or a data box or International ID Gateway.
The application allows you to submit an application for an old-age, disability, or survivor's pension electronically, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The aim of the service is to enable you to process the entire application electronically without the need for a personal visit to CSSA. Applications in progress will be displayed online in the Pension application in the list of applications in progress. Applications that will be submitted online as part of the Pension Application can be found in the My Submissions section.
You may find more information about pensions on the CSSA website.
Required documents and forms
The documents that may be needed to submit your application are listed. Depending on the information you provide in the application, you may be notified during its completion of the obligation to provide some of the documents to verify data that the CSSA does not record.
- documents about the period of study (or learning), even if it was not completed
- vocational certificate;
- report cards from individual years and high school graduation certificates;
- study report (index), certificate of state final examination, diploma;
- confirmation from the school about the length of study (for entitlement to a pension and its amount, the level of education achieved does not have a direct effect, but the length of the study period; therefore, it is necessary to submit documents from which this fact is evident)
- documents on the period of military service
- military book,
- confirmation of the Administrative Archive of the Army of the Czech Republic (headquartered at: Nám. Republiky 4, 77911 Olomouc),
- documents proving the education of children or the care of children
- birth certificates of children or extracts from the birth register, or other documents on the entrustment of a child into care (e.g., a court judgment on the adoption or entrustment of a child into care), if the above cannot be verified by DSSA/PSSA/MSSA in the agenda system of the register of residents
- documents on periods of insurance or assimilated periods (e.g., period of registration at the labour office, period of care for a person dependent on the care of another person, etc.), which are not stated in the informative personal pension insurance sheet or which the applicant knows that the CSSA does not have in its records
To pay a pension into a bank account of your spouse, you must submit a form Application for Payment of a Pension by Money Order to a Spouse's Account in the Czech Republic, which has to be filled in and confirmed by the bank. If you live abroad, you must submit a form Application by a Person Living Outside the Territory of the Czech Republic for the Payment of a Czech Pension by Money Order into an Account.
Online service
Start applicationWhat to do when...
Was the processing of the service not successful?
The reason is due to incorrect input data. Restart the service with the correct data.
Did a system error occur?
Notify your system administrator.

Introduction of new and innovation of existing digital services of the CSSA - further development of the ePortal of the CSSA - IKR - JRPSV and its connection of the digital service to the PO, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_036/0007767, CZ.31.1.01/MV/23_43/0000043
Implementation of the SDG – Implementation in CSSA, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_027/0007717, CZ.31.1.01/MV/22_18/0000018
Introduction of new and innovative digital services of the CSSA – Further development of e-filing of the CSSA and connection to digital services at PO, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_036/0007759, CZ.31.1.01/MV/22_24/0000024
These projects are co-financed by the European Union's Next generationEU instrument through the National Recovery Plan