E-Services - ePortal
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Information about paid premiums on sickness insurance of a self-employed person
Information on paid advances for a self-employed person’s pension insurance
Notification of authorization for CSSA services and forms (for an agent)
Online application for determination of legislation applicable for a self-employed person
Power of attorney for CSSA services and forms
Request for determination of legislation applicable for a self-employed person (form)
Request for determination of legislation applicable for an employed person, who is simultaneously self-employed (form)

Introduction of new and innovation of existing digital services of the CSSA - further development of the ePortal of the CSSA - IKR - JRPSV and its connection of the digital service to the PO, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_036/0007767, CZ.31.1.01/MV/23_43/0000043
Implementation of the SDG – Implementation in CSSA, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_027/0007717, CZ.31.1.01/MV/22_18/0000018
Introduction of new and innovative digital services of the CSSA – Further development of e-filing of the CSSA and connection to digital services at PO, reg. no. CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_036/0007759, CZ.31.1.01/MV/22_24/0000024
These projects are co-financed by the European Union's Next generationEU instrument through the National Recovery Plan